• Marine Moorings Masterclass - Creating a STORM

      • STORM

        TTI in conjunction with Brunel University and EMEC [European Marine Energy Centre] will be supporting a marine mooring masterclass to be held at Brunel University on the 26th January 2018.  The free to register seminar will focus on mooring systems which are critical for the success of offshore floating renewables. In particular the seminar will cover the design of mooring line end connectors which provide a vital interface between the mooring line and device/anchoring system. 

        The connectors have been designed under the STORM (Specialised Thimbles for Offshore Renewable Marine Energy) project which is brings together TTI, Brunel University London, Nylacast and the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC).  The project focus is on the development of a light weight innovative connector designed by TTI that utilises a new hybrid material.  Developed by Brunel's Experimental Techniques Centre and the Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology, the material called Basaltium, forms the centre of the new connector and is made from recycled aluminium strengthened by tiny basalt fibres. This core is coated in another innovative material called Oilon, a low friction plastic from Nylacast.

        Details on the seminar and how to register can be found via the following link.
