• 海洋可再生能源服务

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    提供的服务通常涵盖从概念设计到系泊系统及其组件的详细工程的范围。 我们使用包括TTI Optimoor,Ansys Aqwa和OrcaFlex在内的最新分析软件来开发、完善和验证系泊系统设计,以满足客户和认证机构的要求。 我们还进行了系泊组件的CAD / FEA分析,并且最近已完成对英国Carbon Trust的研究,以设计一系列可缩放的连接器。 TTI还提供详细的采购规格,以招标方式进行采购、准备制造图纸并在整个制造过程中提供质量保证/质量控制支持。

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    One of our recent research projects, also funded by the Carbon Trust and partners, measured fibre rope axial stiffness and fatigue properties to provide state-of-art property data enabling the correct specification of materials and thus model mooring loads with confidence. Current mooring systems typically use polyester ropes, well proven for the offshore oil and gas market in permanent moorings. These polyester ropes work well in renewable moorings but may be relatively high in cost due to increased rope length and mooring scope to keep loads reasonable.

    The next generation of mooring systems will tend to use lower cost nylon ropes. This has not previously been possible for permanent moorings due to the shorter fatigue life of nylon in 'traditional rope constructions'. Now, with a modified rope design developed in conjunction with Bridon Ropes, and data from our research, this option offers much potential.

    Tri plate connector

    Scaleable in-line connector designs

    Mooring line nylon lined trumpet fairlead

    Mooring line tensioner and anchor

    FEA analysis inline connector

    FEA analysis rope spool

    Wave energy concept mooring designs

    • Optimoor Mooring analysis software. view
    • Rope Selection Calculator An initial guide to selecting a rope. view
    • Optimoor Papers Computer Mooring Load Analysis to Improve Port Operations and Safety view